Stop Dreaming Start Action

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stop Dreaming Start Action

Posting by koekoey

Bahasa Version :

Hidup adalah sesuatu yang bergerak action dari satu waktu ke waktu berikutnya tanpa bisa Kita hentikan stop. Sedangkan impian dreaming selalu menyertai ke-hidup-an. Untuk memulai start kehidupan biasanya diawali dengan mimpi-mimpi atau angan-angan.

Kembali kemasa sekolah dulu; seringkali Kita dimarahi guru, karena sering melamun dan tidak perhatian di kelas. Hardik guru Kita, “berhentilah bermimpi! Impian akan membawa-mu pergi kemana-mana.” Apakah benar, mimpi itu membawa Kita kemanapun juga dalam hidup ini ? jawabannya bisa Ya atau tidak.

Jika Anda bermimpi dan lansung mengambil langkah nyata untuk meraih mimpi tersebut, maka impian Anda akan tercapai. Sebaliknya jika Anda bermimpi dan tidak begerak (no action), maka mimpi Anda hanya impian-kosong belaka.

Jadi, untuk mencapai hal-hal besar, Anda harus memiliki mimpi. Sebuah mimpi Akan memberikan visi, penggerak dan energi dari berbagai sumber menjadi satu kekuatan tertinggi untuk menggapai cita-cita anda.

Seperti bunyi peribahasa, "jika anda mampu melihat, maka anda mampu memiliki dan jika anda mampu melihat mimpi dalam pikiran anda, maka anda mampu meraih kearah impian tersebut."

Namun, jika Anda tidak dapat 'melihat' mimpi sama sekali, benar-benar tidak ada mimpi bagi Anda untuk mencapai ke arah impian Anda. Ketika itu terjadi, Anda akan selalu tetap di tempat Anda dan maka tidak akan ada terobosan yang signifikan dalam hidup Anda. Anda tidak hanya harus dapat 'melihat' impian Anda, Anda juga harus melihat dengan sejelas-jelasnya masa depan Anda.

Gambar yang Anda 'lihat' dalam mimpi tidak boleh samar-samar; tapi harus jelas bagaikan sebuah kristal sehingga Anda tahu persis apa yang ingin Anda raih dan di mana langkah Anda diarahkan. Selain itu, Anda harus dapat melihat sendiri tempat impian Anda, waktu impian Anda, cara mencapai atau melakukan impian yang jadi keinginan Anda.

Kekuatan mimpi akan sepenuhnya dilaksanakan ketika Anda telah memberikan 'kaki' untuk impian Anda.

Saat Anda mencapai impian Anda, maka hambatan akan memenuhi sepanjang perjalanan Anda. Namun, ke-kuasa-an mimpi Anda tidak dapat dihalangi. Anda akan selalu menemukan cara untuk menaklukkan segala rintangan yang akan datang menghadang di jalan.

Banyak cara untuk merealisasikan mimpi-mimpi menjadi kenyataan, salah satunya dengan on-line di internet. Iya kehidupan internet selalu bergerak 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu, 4 minggu sebulan,12 bulan setahun dan seterusnya keseluruh dunia tanpa pernah berhenti.

Salah satu cara terbaik untuk menghasilkan uang secara online adalah dengan afiliasi pemasaran (affiliate marketing). Ini adalah sistem yang sangat baik karena Anda tidak perlu menangani stok Anda sendiri, atau menangani layanan pelanggan, atau bahkan berbicara kepada siapa saja! Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah mengarahkan pengunjung ke situs perusahaan, dan jika mereka membeli produk, Anda dapat dibayar hingga 75% dari harga produk.

Jadi dimana anda bisa mulai bergerak atau start action ? Pertama, anda harus bergabung di Ini adalah situs yang berisi produk-produk dan blog-blog yang memberikan arahan atau motivasi Stop Dreaming Start Action .

English Version :

As Featured On EzineArticles
Life is something that moves from one time to the next time without we can’t stop. While the dream is always attached to the inside of our lives. To start life usually begins with the dreams or reverie.

Flash-Back in school day, guru would often yank us for daydreaming in room and not making attention. Yowled guru "Guys, don’t dreaming! Dreaming will get you everywhere." Is it true? That dreams really get you nowhere in life? Maybe 'Yes' and maybe 'No'.

Your dream will be come true for you, if you took amazing action to achieve your dream. However, if you dream and take no action, it means just a powerless dream.

So, to achieve great things, you must have a dream. It will provide a dream vision, drive and energy from various sources into a single force to achieve the highest ideas you.

As the saying goes, "if you are able to see, then you have a capable and if you are able to see the dream in your mind, then you are able to reach towards the dream."

Pictures of You 'see' in a dream can not be disguised, but it must be like a crystal clear so you know exactly what you want to achieve and where you step directed. In addition, you should see yourself where you dream, dream your time, achieving a dream or do you so desire.

Strength of the dream will be carried out fully when you have to give 'feet' to your dream. When you reach your dream, then the barriers will meet along your journey. However, the power of the dream you can not be. You will always find a way to conquer all obstacles that come in off the road.

Many ways to realize the dreams become reality, one with on-line on the internet. Yes life is always moving the Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 days a month, and 12 months a year and so overlooks the world without ever stopping.

One of the best ways to make money online is with affiliate marketing. This system is very good because you do not need to deal with the stock you own, or handle customer service, or even talk to anybody! All you need to do is drive visitors to company sites, and if they purchase a product, you can be paid 25% -75% of product prices.

So where can you start moving? First, you must join in This is a site that contains products and blogs that provide direction or motivation Stop Dreaming Start Action.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Curriculum vitae

Muhamad Yahya ,ST
Jl.Puspita VI blok N - 14
Cikarang Baru
Bekasi, 17550
Mobile Phone: +62 - 81289061259

Place/Date of birth : Jakarta / March 14th 1970
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Married
Nationality : Indonesian

Formal Education
§ University of Pancasila, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
(Bachelor Degree / Sarjana Teknik Mesin GPA 2.5) 1989 - 1996
§ SMA Negeri 1 , Jakarta 1986 - 1989
§ SMP Negeri 5 , Jakarta 1983 - 1986
§ SD Muhammadiyah 01, Jakarta 1977 - 1983

Informal Education
§ Student of ILP English Course, Cikarang 2009
§ Student of Internet Marketing On-line ( 2009

§ Geoservices Group
(Jakarta Technical Center - Welltekindo Nusantara, pt)
Oil & Gas Services

Position: Industrialization Engineer Jan 2008 ­ Now
Job Description Details:
1. Study the products (wireline units, tools) and its requirements :
- Analyze and evaluate methods of production
- Review of Standard Drawing using Solidworks
- Meeting with clients and executives
- Allocate its limited tangible resources (equipment and labor) within the framework of existing physical constrains (physical plant)
2. Extensive stay on manufacturing floor :
- Find and resolve problem with reviewing quality control report
- Communicating observation and suggestion to Manager
- Being an analyst
3. Design manufacturing and information system :
- Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using CosmosWorks
- Engineering Change Order (ECO)
- Bill Of Material (BOM) with completed 3D modeling (use solidworks)
- Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
- Design Verification
- Design Validation
4. Develop management control systems for financial planning and cost analysis:
- Bill Of Material (BOM) with completed Part No and Model
- Data Sheet (specification)
- Inspection Test Plan (ITP)
5. Design or improve systems for the physical distribution of goods and services :
- Customer Complain or Customer Feedback
- Alternative customer desired
6. Determine which plant location has the best combination of raw materials availability, transportation, and costs :
- Find more than 2 suppliers or subcontractor for comprising

Position: Design Engineer 2004 ­ Dec 2007
Job Description Details:
1. Design Input
- Contract Review with client, इंजीनियरिंग Manager or JTC Manager
- Prepare Concept of Product for manufacture
- Make Planning starting from design review untill the unit is ready to be sent to client
- Review Structure Design (refer to DNV 2.7-1 and EN 12079 standards) for getting design approval.
- Correspondence with Society Surveyor (DNV or Bureau Veritas) as 3rd party
- Prepare Product Specification

2. Design Output
- Prepare detail drawing for production
- Bill of Material (BOM)
- Specification sheet
- Acceptance criteria
- Calculation sheet

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wireline | What is it ?

What is Wireline ?
Summary by koekoey

Weriline used in oilfield terminology means that a wire of some size, composition and length is being used to perform some type of services within the well bore. The basic use of wireline is manipulate wireline tools such as tubing gauging and flow control devices.

The function of wireline unit is an integral part of the workover and completions industry. Wireline operations provide an economical means of regulating and controling well fluid flow and clearing the tubing flow path of obstructions such as sand, scale, and paraffin.

Wireline is used for :

1. Depth measurements.

2. Temperature and pressure surveys (either static or flowing).

3. Modification or regulation of the flow rate.

4. Stopping or deviating the production.

5. Separating different layers of formation.

6. Opening and closing circulating ports.

7. Tubing calibration.

8. Removal of paraffin and cleaning of tubing in general.

9. Bottom hole sampling.

10. Tubing perforation.

Wireline fishing is a wireline job to removal of wireline tools that has been lost in the tubing while performing a wireline operation. It is usually using special tools that are Cuttter Bar, Side Wall Cutter, Kinley Snipper, Go Devil, Wireline Finder, and Impression Block.

Wireline may be reffered to by a number of names. Solid single strand line may be decribed are Slickline, Pione Wire, Solid line, Wireline, measuring Line. Multi strand wirelines are usaully described as braided line (3/16” most common).

As well depths have increased over the years since the first measuring lines were brought into use accompanied by increased working loads, it has become necessary to develop wireline having a high strength and weight ratio.

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